

If you counter with a fallacious argument.....

If you counter with a fallacious argument, and the person you are talking to buys your argument, iis the person who you are arguing against a victim of fallacious reasoning or another fallacious argument?
asked on Sunday, Mar 01, 2015 09:01:50 PM by

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Bo Bennett, PhD
It is essentially the same thing. Fallacious reasoning can be employed when evaluating an argument or making one. But the two aren't always equal. For example, some fallacies are very difficult to detect, and even people with excellent reasoning skills might fall victim to the fallacy. So the important point is, there are degrees of fallaciousness.

I hope this answered your question.
answered on Sunday, Mar 01, 2015 09:10:14 PM by Bo Bennett, PhD


Bo Bennett, PhD
Excellent Question.
It raises the possibility that to speak, is to lie
It may be better to not say anything, only ask questions....
answered on Sunday, Mar 01, 2015 10:35:46 PM by Bo Bennett, PhD
