
TrappedPrior (RotE)

Spotting the difference between formal and informal fallacies

I know the theoretical difference between the two (error in logical form vs error in content/expression) but is there a hard-and-fast method for discerning between them?


asked on Saturday, Aug 01, 2020 02:38:33 PM by TrappedPrior (RotE)

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Master the "Rules of Reason" for Making and Evaluating Claims

Claims are constantly being made, many of which are confusing, ambiguous, too general to be of value, exaggerated, unfalsifiable, and suggest a dichotomy when no such dichotomy exists. Good critical thinking requires a thorough understanding of the claim before attempting to determine its veracity. Good communication requires the ability to make clear, precise, explicit claims, or “strong” claims. The rules of reason in this book provide the framework for obtaining this understanding and ability.

This book / online course is about the the eleven rules of reason for making and evaluating claims. Each covered in detail in the book

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Jason Mathias

The composition of the contents is formal logic, the contents within the composition is informal logic. Kind of like a fine art painting, the composition is the placement of the contents within the painting. 

Formal will work with any argument, informal wont. Likewise, a good compositions will work with any subject matter in a painting. 

answered on Saturday, Aug 01, 2020 06:17:36 PM by Jason Mathias

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Bo Bennett, PhD

I know of no such rule (not that one doesn't exist). There aren't that many deductive fallacies, so perhaps memorization is the best method.

answered on Sunday, Aug 02, 2020 08:44:03 PM by Bo Bennett, PhD

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