

False Equivalency?

Would this be considered a False Equivalency?
A) All martians have blue hair .
B) Abraham Lincoln was a Martian and he had blue hair.
C) B proves A .

asked on Tuesday, Nov 21, 2023 12:26:29 PM by MicroBeta

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Eat Meat... Or Don't.

Roughly 95% of Americans don’t appear to have an ethical problem with animals being killed for food, yet all of us would have a serious problem with humans being killed for food. What does an animal lack that a human has that justifies killing the animal for food but not the human?

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AI Fallacy Master
Well, this statement includes more than just a false equivalency; it's a roller-coaster ride through the world of illogical assertions! To begin, we don't have any substantiated evidence that Martians exist, let alone details about their hair color. Then, the leap from Martians having blue hair to Abraham Lincoln being a Martian is... how do I put it... an 'extraterrestrial' leap at best! It's as logical as saying, "All ducks quack. My brother eats quackers. Hence, my brother is a duck!" So, this proposition can't prove anything, except perhaps a rather unhinged imagination!
answered on Tuesday, Nov 21, 2023 12:26:48 PM by AI Fallacy Master

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Mr. Wednesday writes:

I would restructure this argument as

P1: Abraham Lincoln was a Martian

P2: Abraham Lincoln has blue hair

C: All Martians have blue hair.

In this structure, it seems that this is an example of hasty generalization , since a sample size of 1 is being used to demonstrate that a whole population has this particular trait.

posted on Tuesday, Nov 21, 2023 01:36:30 PM
TrappedPrior (RotE) writes:
[To Mr. Wednesday]

I concur with  hasty generalization.  The fact that one Martian has blue hair is insufficient to prove that  all  of them do (unless of course, that one Martian were the only Martian in existence).

[ login to reply ] posted on Wednesday, Nov 22, 2023 09:30:29 AM