

What logical fallacy is this argument?

Was recently listening to an abortion debate, the prochoice supporter used the following argument.

"We can't know the circumstances under which conception begins, which is why these questions and answers must remain in women's hands."

What fallacy (or fallacies) does that argument engage?
asked on Sunday, Jan 06, 2019 10:45:39 AM by

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Bo Bennett, PhD
This seems a little out of context and I don't full understand what the person is arguing, so I am going to make some assumptions.
I believe the person is arguing:

P1: We can't know the circumstances under which conception begins
C: Therefore, these questions and answers must remain in women's hands

The first problem I see is that the person is begging the question by linking knowing when conception begins with the "questions and answers" having to do with abortion. I really don't what questions and answers to which the person is referring, so we might be also dealing with equivocation or perhaps some derivation of ambiguity fallacy.

Again, I just want to make it clear that I would not call this person out a fallacy without asking for clarification first, specifically, asking them to elaborate on how knowing when conception begins is relevant and to what questions and answers it is relevant.
answered on Sunday, Jan 06, 2019 10:59:57 AM by Bo Bennett, PhD


It sounds like an argument from ignorance to me.
answered on Sunday, Jan 06, 2019 08:21:38 PM by Abdulazeez
