
Alvaro Amat

Abortion as self-defense

In some abortion debates it is argued that abortion constitutes a case of self-defense, meaning that the woman did not consent to the Fetus's use of her body and the fetus is an invader, who violated the woman's bodily autonomy. She has the right to use all the necessary force to stop this violation, even if it means the death of the intruder/abuser.
Even if she consented to sex, she did not consent to pregnancy, and the fetus is living in her body and using her organs without her consent.
asked on Friday, Aug 02, 2019 07:42:42 PM by Alvaro Amat

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So, what’s the question? It sounds like a rational legal issue, but certainly not one of logic until there’s question or argument. I understand the apologia and I find it compelling. There’s no deception, no error in reasoning, but a unique and impressive defense.
answered on Friday, Aug 02, 2019 07:49:26 PM by mchasewalker



Even if she consented to sex, she did not consent to pregnancy, and the fetus is living in her body and using her organs without her consent.

This isn't an argument from ignorance fallacy?
We teach sexual education and basic biology in our schools. Everyone should know how babies are made by the time they are in high school.
answered on Saturday, Aug 03, 2019 10:48:03 AM by kylee
