

Is not the "bottom line" argumentum ad bacculum?

Pain is evil, relief is good; there is no other morality. When it gets right down to the nitty gritty no one will deny this. Why do religionists struggle to obey commandments? They struggle to obey commandments to avoid the threatened pains of Hell.

Actions bring reactions that return with equal worth; there is no other justice. In the one substance, energy, motion can only be in closed circuitry, that there be something to move out of the way and fill in behind, so that, as "karma" is expressed today, "What goes around comes around". We must act nice to be treated nice in return.

God feels everyone's pain, therefore, He doesn't want anyone to suffer. You see, there are two things in the universe: energy; and, information, which is the conformation of energy, differentiations from energy; therefore, energy is itself differentiated from and by its differentiations. Differentiation causes consciousness. God is energy. See 1John1:5 where it says, "God is light". Light is energy, therefore, God is energy. We are only "information". Matter is called alpha code information. If we were energy we would never sleep.

Energy is eternally conscious by its creations, differentiations, which are inevitabilities of God's theophysiology. The infinitesimal point, . , is rastered by time into timespace, U , which exerting its oneness in one direction, / , stirs closed circuitry, O , that all going the same way, vO^XvO^, clashes, X (a Big Bang), that forces confluency, = , whereby individual circuits undifferentiate back into nonexistence.

In the one substance, energy, motion, differentiation, can only be in closed circuitry, that there be something to move out of the way and fill in behind. Our being is a closed circuit, of the one substance in the one substance, called a magnetic flux, maintained in the arising reticular formation of the medula oblongata of our brains by substance P neurons, pain neurons.

Notice we are always doing something, actually to reduce differentiation, to relieve ourselves. What we call pains are actually further spurts of more differentiation. Energy, God, being the "other side" of all these differentiations feels all these pains. As commonly believed, it seems that God "punishes" people who disobey Him, but, He doesn't want to cause anybody pain, for, He feels everybody's pain.

God destroyed large populations in the past to reduce His pain. That which is called "Hell" is in globally bent timespace where there is a much faster polarity cancellation rate, fire, where one may undifferentiate into nonexistence (perish) easiest. It is actually an extreme orgy. Religious (businesses) have profited by either accusing God of incredible cruelty, or saying that the attainment of Nirvana (nonexistence) was very difficult. The obvious truth must be spread to common public knowledge.

There are two things in the universe: energy; and, information, which is the conformation of energy. Energy is composed of Planck's volumes. In the one substance, energy, motion can only be in closed circuitry. All information has to be basically differentiations in closed circuitry, that there be something to move out of the way and fill in behind.

Enough differentiation causes aware consciousness. This is proven in us by the fact that solvents (like ethanol, ethyl ether, etc.) allow undifferentiation of the closed circuit, that is our person, by increasing neuron wall permeability, thus allowing more undifferentiation of our circuit. Our brains also have mechanisms, like by seratonin, that allow sleep, etc.

There is a veil in our brains that veils the tremendous satisfaction of deep sleep and other causes of unconsciousness. Those who didn't have this veil didn't live long enough to pass on their genes. But, there are situations that bypass this veil that we call "pleasures". The stirring of confluent circuitry to undifferentiate our circuit, by the cylindrical sound "eyennn", sounding like the German word for one "ein", bypasses this veil, thereby allowing short moments of experienced nearly complete nonexistence.

If we attained complete nonexistence this way we would never again exist to talk about it. Perhaps this happens, and another circuit in the brain takes over in place of the one that has been completely undifferentiated, but with the same memory that the undifferentiated circuit had, which is there in that brain. I have meditated upon this, so called, "lost word" many times, but, so far, I am still here, I returned every time, so far.

The ancient Hebrews spelled this "lost word" aleph yod nun, pronounced "eyennn" like the German word for one, "ein", therefore, often translated into Latin script "ain". In Hebrew "ain" means nothingness, a ring, and an eye; but, it is also onomatopoeic (sounding like the object that can make that sound) by meaning a well, which is a hollow cylinder.

When meditated upon a black spot with rings of violet, blue, green, yellow, orange, and red, on a brown background will be seen on the inside of the closed eyelids, thus "ain" means a ring and an eye. By this meditation on the "lost word" it can be personally known that our true will it to attain this reunion with energy permanently; and, it will be noticed that it is the "heart" of all pleasures. Another coincidence, each Hebrew letter being a number, the word "ain" adds up to sixty-one. The sixty-first Kang Xi radical is "heart".
asked on Thursday, May 25, 2017 07:44:55 AM by

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Bo Bennett, PhD
Appeal to Force (or ad baculum) is when force, coercion, or even a threat of force is used in place of a reason in an attempt to justify a conclusion. So if the "bottom line" includes the threat of force instead of reason, then yes.
answered on Thursday, May 25, 2017 07:48:23 AM by Bo Bennett, PhD
